Case-search results version
Contains partial data on each case in the Results. Some is used to assist in determining whether/how to run a GETCASE webservice call to get the details, and others are the IDs/keys for the court, case and litigant.
The following ID/key attributes may be retained in the Compiled Index Records necessary in order to determine whether a case/litigant in the current search results was found in a previous search.
The following ID/key attributes may be retained in order to get the details on a case in the search results, and to determine whether or not a case has changed since it was previously found.
CaseMD5- this is a unique ID for the case, reflecting its precise data state at the time when it was obtained in a SEARCHCASES call.
If you have retained a CaseMD5 from the original search for a given litigant, it can compared to the CaseMD5 in the search results from a later search on the same person- if the CaseMD5 is unchanged, then the case hasn't changed. Note: The converse is not always true- very occasionally the CaseMD5 will change even though nothing on the case changed.
In very rare instances, the CASEMD5 may be "NONE". If so, any web service call requiring a CASEMD5 parameter should just use "NONE".
Most web service search results also have the following attributes:
name- typically the same as FullName attribute in whichever Identity ("real" or "alias") contained the search "hit"
InitialFileData- same as in LitigantDetails
InitialCloseDate- same as in LitigantDetails
ReopenDate- same as in LitigantDetails
RecloseDate- same as in LitigantDetails
DateOfBirth- same as in Identity
Some web services have the following "special purpose" attributes.
offenseCode- a comma-delimited list of the Code attribute of each Charge element on the case/litigant. Retention in Compiled Index Record not allowed.
sos- a true/false field indicating if any of the offenses on the case are reportable to the Illinois Secretary of State. Retention in Compiled Index Record not allowed.
Balance- this case balance only includes bonds which have been re-classified/applied. So if the litigant has a Payment for a bond which has not been reclassified/applied (indicated by an Applied amount of $0), some users (e.g. collections agencies) should have the court resolve such pending bonds before taking action based on the balance. For this reason, the collections web service does not use this data element.
CollectionsState- see Collections attributes
CollectionsDate- see Collections attributes